Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Biggest Loser: Week 9

So last week Amy decided to finally put herself at the top of her priority list and voted off her former teammate, Brady. And for that decision she really caught some slack from her other teammates.

But she made the decision to vote Brady off because she knew that he was her biggest threat in the game and instead of staying true to her FORMER team (they are technically singles now) and keeping the player with the second highest percentage of weight lost (she's the first), she made a very wise and bold move and voted against someone she wasn't 'supposed' to.

You know, sometimes when we're on the path to becoming healthier and trying to lose weight we also face some challenges from those we are around. "Oh come on, just one piece won't hurt" or "Let's go get a burger. Who wants to eat salad?!" These aren't the best examples but I think you know what I'm talking about. And they'll come from both thinner, healthier people as well as those who are in the same unhealthy boat we are! Those who aren't facing the same struggles we are have a hard time understanding and we all know that misery (read: other overweight, unhealthy people) loves company. Making healthier decisions tends to make others who are overweight and not taking care of themselves feel guilty and because of that they sometimes attack our choices in order to make themselves feel better.

Sometimes it's a very hard and lonely road we walk but like Amy, we MUST keep our focus and take care of ourselves. No one else can do it for us. And no matter what challenges or temptations or even criticism come our way, we have to keep our eye on our goal and keep working hard to reach it.

It was 80's week on the Biggest Loser campus and here were the trivia questions asked during the challenge. There are some pretty astonishing numbers here!

Since 1980, the obesity rates have nearly:
A.) Doubled
B.) Tripled
C.) Quadrupled
Answer: A.) Doubled

In the 80's, one of the most popular workout videos promised to give you buns of what?
Answer: Steel

The National Institute of Health classified obesity as a disease in 1985... True or False?
Answer: True

The percentage of Americans with diabetes has increased by what percent since 1980?
A.) 100%
B.) 200%
C.) 300%
Answer: C.) 300%

Twenty years ago, U.S. teenage boys drank twice as much milk as soda. Today, they drink twice as much soda as milk... True or False?
Answer? True

Today, the most commonly purchased women's dress size in America is a size 14. In 1985, it was a size...
A.) 8
B.) 10
C.) 12
Answer: A.) 8

Today, women between the ages of 20 & 39 are eating an average of 385 extra calories a day compared to the 1980's. That's enough to gain how many pounds in one year?
A.) 20 pounds
B.) 26.7 pounds
C.) 35.8 pounds
Answer: B.) 26.7 pounds

Who won a Grammy for best video of the year in 1982 for a music video that featured her working out in a leotard?
A.) Madonna
B.) Olivia Newton-John
C.) ? (Heba answered before Allison could read choice C.
Answer: B.) Olivia Newton-John

How crazy is Jillian? Seriously. She took the seats off the spin bikes while her girls were standing up working out on them. I'm telling ya', $250,000 is just simply not work it! It wouldn't be a such a big deal if she didn't push them way beyond what anybody can possible do. And if she'd get her dang feet off the wheel of the bike while they're pedaling!

Keeping power snacks readily available is crucial to help keep your blood sugar stable, your metabolism at high-speed, and also help curb cravings. Nuts are a perfect snack or low-fat string cheese, or carry around an apple with you. The fiber in an apple helps regulate blood sugar levels and helps keep you from crashing at the end of a long day.

Michelle: -8 (-56)
Renee: -8 (-60)
Ed: -11 (-73)
Heba: -7 (-63)
Coleen: -3 (-51)
Amy: -8 (-66)
Vicky: -6 (-59)


All I can say is UNbelievable! I was so proud of Amy last week, yet I think she just sealed her fate this week.

Ah well. I guess the drama continues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Bob had a lot to do with Amy's decision this week. She loves him, and I think he took advantage of that. :(

I was so hoping Vicky would be gone. Her negativity is ruining the whole show, imo!