Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Breakfast is a Must!

It's true, breakfast really IS the most important meal of the day. Even if you don't like to eat breakfast or you're 'not a breakfast' person, you need to make it a priority to start your day out doing the best thing you can for your body. Studies show that skipping breakfast can actually cause you to GAIN weight!

Still not convinced? Why is eating breakfast so important? Well, there are several reasons. First of all, most of us are our most active in the earlier part of the day and our bodies need fuel to be able to function at it's best. Eating breakfast helps keep you from getting hungry later on in the day which means you will usually make healthier food choices throughout the day. And most importantly, eating a healthy breakfast kick starts your metabolism, which means that you will begin burning calories first thing in the morning!

According to The Biggest Loser Cookbook we should eat at least 4 servings of fruits and veggies (you can eat more than that, but make sure you eat more vegetables than fruit), 3 servings of protein (that's three 8-ounce portions, which is 1 cup or about the size of the palm of your hand), 2 servings of whole grains, and up to 200 calories of 'extras' each day.

So for breakfast I am trying to find different ideas that include the following prerequisites:

*good source of protein to give me a boost of energy
*good source of fiber to keep things moving *wink* and to help fill me up
*low in calories and fat
*must taste good, meaning I'm not about to gag as I choke it down
*inexpensive, as I have five other people in my home to feed as well
*I also follow the Weight Watchers plan of counting Points, so it must not be high in Points as well

So far I have quickly come up with two options that meet all these requirements.

1. Small, plain Lenders bagel with 1 TBSP. regular Wal-Mart brand peanut butter; this provides the following:
Calories: 150
Fat: 1g.
Fiber: 1g.
Protein: 5g.
WW Points: 3
*I thought, in order to get in a fruit/veggie I might also add 1 small banana which adds 90 calories, 0 grams of fat, 3 grams of fiber, 1 gram of protein, and 1 Point.

2. Bestlife Light Flat-Out Wrap (bought these at Wal-Mart) with 1 egg scrambled (with nothing added while scrambling), and 1/4 c. of shredded low-fat cheese; this provides the following:
Calories: 240
Fat: 12 1/2g.
Fiber: 9g.
Protein: 23g.
WW Points: 5

I know there are a lot of other options out there and I'll be on the hunt for them. As I find them I will share them here.

If anyone has any ideas or recipes to share, please pass them on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so boring. I love Fiber One Caramel Cereal and eat it most mornings. I tried for a while to eat some hard boiled eggs, for protein, but I just dislike eating protein so early in the morning! LOL

This has worked for me, so I am just not going to change it! ;)