Thursday, April 17, 2008

The First Female Biggest Loser!

I am by no means a feminist and oh how tired I get of hearing sayings such as 'Girl Power' and 'Women Rule' and all the other ridiculous things they come up with.

However, being a female and knowing how hard losing weight is, not to mention how much harder it is for women to lose than men, I was really pulling for either Ali or Kelly to win this season's Biggest Loser. It didn't help that the last remaining guys were SO annoying with their, "Pride on 3, pride on 3" chant and their constant belittling of the women that were left. UGH! I'm sure they're nice guys in real life, but I so wanted to box their ears every week.

So I was so happy to see Ali win. She's a real inspiration to me because she is the same age I am (32), the same height as me (5'5"), her starting weight was the same as my highest weight (234), and her ultimate goal weight was the same as what mine is (125). To see her work hard and push herself to achieve such a big goal, and to see how AWESOME she looks is such an encouragement to me. If she can do it then so can I! And just look at how good I'll look when it's all said and done! LOL!

1 Month Free Guest Pass to Health Clubs!

If you're serious about losing weight, getting in shape, and getting healthy then you may want to check out this 1-month free guest pass from any of the following fitness centers:

*Lady of America/LOA
*Ladies Workout Express
*Workout Express
*Health Clubs of America

It looks like this is only good through the month of April, so don't put it off!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Watch Clips of The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser Finale

Tonight is The Biggest Loser finale. I really love watching this show. It is so motivating! Seeing the contestants, many who have overwhelming circumstances and weight to overcome, struggle and push through to a new life is fascinating. If they can do it, anyone can! Many times I have sat and cried right along with them because I understand what they are feeling and going through emotionally.

As far as tonight's show goes, I think I'll be cheering for Kelly. She was the heaviest female on the show this season and just seems very sweet. But then, I really like Ali too. She's really done an amazing job, losing most of her weight at home, then earning the right to come back onto the show.

I'm not crazy about Mark. I'm sure he's a nice enough guy, but he was pretty ruthless throughout the show. He has worked hard and lost an amazing amount of weight though. And Roger has blown everyone else out of the water. He's lost more than any other contestant in every season of TBL while there on the ranch! That's an awesome accomplishment. So while he technically would deserve to win, I'd really love to see one of the girls win instead.

I guess we'll find out who really is the Biggest Loser tonight! Don't miss the LIVE 2-hour finale on NBC at 8pm Eastern time.