Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Biggest Loser: Week 7

So, thanks to Vickie telling on him, Bob learns that Brady isn't eating every four hours and he's convinced that's why he only had a 3 pound weight loss last week.

Hmmm, interesting.

I could most definitely handle eating every four hours! But I guess Little Debbies don't count, huh? Mental note: learn what I should be eating. I know this is to keep the body's metabolism up, which helps burn off fat, but if you're not giving it the right fuel then you're defeating the whole purpose.

Ok, so on to the first challenge. The reason we are overweight is because of the bad choices we've made in the past. David Zinczenko, author of Eat This Not That!: Thousands of Simple Food Swaps That Can Save You 10, 20, 30 Pounds-or More! (as well as Eat This Not That! for Kids!: Be the Leanest, Fittest Family on the Block!...gotta look into that one!), is the guest 'celebrity' and presents each team with two choices. Should you eat 'This' or 'That'. Each contestant has to choose which plate of food has the least amount of calories. The prize is a '40-pound advantage' at the next challenge, whatever that means.

So here were the choices of food. Which would be the better choice:

THIS: a hot dog with ketchup, mustard, and relish
THAT: nacho's with cheese
Answer: THIS
The hot dog is built-in portion control. The hot dog has 280 calories, the nachos and cheese has 692.

THIS: 1 small spaghetti with marinara and spicy italian sausage with a side caesar salad
THAT: a small penne with marinara and garlic shrimp and a garden side salad with fat-free italian dressing
Answer: THAT
Each italian sausage is about 200 calories and 20 grams of fat! The spaghetti has 1030 calories. The penne, 660.

THIS: chicken and shrimp fajitas with the works
THAT: 24 chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce
Answer: THAT
'The Works' is always something you want to stay away from. The chicken & shrimp fajita has 1360 calories, the chicken nuggets has 1120.

THIS: multi-grain bagel with lite cream cheese
THAT: ham, egg, & cheese english muffin sandwich
Answer: THAT
The bagel has empty carbs and the words 'multigrain' and 'lite' make you think it's healthier than what it actually is. The bagel has 500 calories, the sandwich 310.

THIS: 1 grilled chicken burrito with the works
THAT: 18 lite beers
Answer: THIS
The burrito contains 1092 calories, the beer has 1152. Neither one is actually a good choice. And come on, who in their right mind would choose to drink 18 beers over eating a chicken burrito!

Being stressed makes it easy to make poor choices about what we eat. Some stress reducing comfort foods are walnuts, which help replace stress-depleted B-vitamins and is a great source of Omega-3's, and aspargus, a natural mood lightener, dipped in fat-free yogurt for some extra Calcium. If you simply MUST have chocolate (was Bob speaking directly to me?), go for the dark. It contains antioxidants which helps to fight cancer and heart disease.

TRAINER TIP (Jillian):
To improve your balance and coordination work with your own body weight. Working out with machines at the gym isolates the muscle, which isn't natural. Doing squats, lunges, push-ups, crunches, pull-ups, etc. forces your upper and lower body to work together which gives you more balance, stability, and coordination.

Bob made a good point. Each contestant is on a calorie 'budget' each day and it's critical that they make each of those calories count. Do they really want to waste those calories on snacking all day? I like this visual. I'm a numbers person and I think this is why counting Points with Weight Watchers has always really worked for me. Now I just need to find the best foods to use my daily Points (or calories) on and make sure I don't waste them but use them for foods that are going to help further my weight loss.

Michelle: -2 (-42)
Renee: -3 (-45)
Coleen: -2 (-41)
Phil: -3 (-62)
Brady: -13 (-71)
Vicky: -2 (-45)
Heba: -6 (-47)
Amy C.: -6 (-52)

ELIMINATED: Phil (who stopped to buy his wife a beautiful 20th anniversary ring and surprised her... she didn't even know he had been eliminated... at the spot he originally proposed to her and asked her to marry him again. Of course she said yes and they did it right then and there! It was sooo sweet. I really like both of them).