Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My Declaration of Thindependence

When, in the course of my life, it becomes necessary for me to end an unhealthy relationship with food and eating, I know that I have enough strength to do that.

After all, I have a right to _______________ and _______________.

I shouldn't have to feel _______________ and _________________, and I refuse to feel that way anymore.

I know losing weight is hard. I have an especially hard time with _______________ and _________________.

But it's worth it to me to dedicate myself to the task of losing weight, and I will do what it takes to meet my weight goal of ________.

I am dedicated to my plan for weight loss, and to get there I will ____________________, I will ___________________, and I will ____________________.

Now is MY time and I WILL make it happen. This is my Declaration of Independence from an overweight lifestyle. I am free at last! Let the fireworks begin!